Dear Members
Podiatry Neuro Assessment & Treatment Course
6-7 April, 2024
After the success of the first course and the high demand for another, I'm very excited to be able to bring you this outstanding practical workshop.
Every Podiatrist should have this at their fingertips. It will seriously expand your clinical skills. I wish I had always had this skill. I asked my friend Bodine Ledden from ACE Education if he would put this workshop together for Podiatrists AND he has!
The Podiatry Neuro Assessment and Treatment Workshop provides the Podiatrist with an in depth understanding and the practical skills to perform a range of lower limb neurological assessment procedures and treatment techniques to address a range of peripheral nerve injuries.
I also asked Bo to focus on the practical training so that you will use your new skill immediately. Remember this is ASSESSMENT and TREATMENT.
I asked him after reading a randomized clinical trail where tibial nerve mobilisation successfully reduced the symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome. I asked Bo about tibial nerve mobilisation......
> He has set up a 15% discount for all PODWA members using the code:
Places are limited so although it is set for February, register now. This time next week I will offer the workshop to the wider profession/non members.
Click on the event link:
I hope to see you there.